POODLES IN NEED rescues and re-homes all three sizes of poodle. It was felt there was a need for a rescue service who truly understands the needs of a poodle, especially during the traumatic time of needing to be re-homed.
If you are considering giving a poodle a home, PLEASE consider giving a home to one of the beautiful rescue poodles as an alternative to buying a puppy. The dogs coming through our Rescue vary in age, size and health. Most people do not realise just how many rescue poodles are out there, especially boys! They have so much love to give.
We regret we are unable to deal with overseas adoptions.
POODLES IN NEED almost always has poodles needing permanent homes (and occasionally other dogs).
Please look at our Dogs Available page.
So whether it's old or young, whether it's a Toy, Miniature or Standard Poodle you need to re-home or are looking to adopt, please do look through our website and call us. These dogs cannot help what colour or sex they are or if they are old or in good health or poor health. They all deserve a loving, forever home.
We have limited funds, mostly received from the small adoption fees charged when homing a dog. Therefore, if you are not in a position to home a dog from us but would be interested in helping us in our efforts, please see our Sponsorship and Donate pages. We also have some great Poodle items on our Shop.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not affiliated with any other rescue service, kennel, breeder or internet site in any way and all communication related to any of the dogs on this site or in our care must be addressed to Hanna.